Monday, December 23, 2013

Rumor: Episode VII to Begin Filming January 21st

By: Dominic Jones

We are about to live in a world where principal photography for Star Wars Episode VII is underway.   Latino Review is reporting the a start date of January 21st, 2014 for production on the film has been set.  According to Latino Review:

"Well, we now know the actual start date of principal photography. According to sources, we found out the following….
First day of principal photography is January 21st 2014.
Wait a minute. That date falls on a Tuesday. Why not start on Monday the 20th? Well, because the 20th is holiday, Martin Luther King Day."

While this is unconfirmed by Lucasfilm, it does line up with what Producer Bryan Burk said previously, when he stated they were aiming to begin production in early 2014.  

Latino Review also weighs in  the rumors of the films release date being moved to December saying, "we are also hearing that the Disney/Lucasfilm are so far behind schedule that Episode VII will in fact be released around Christmas 2015".  While I made the case on the most recent episode of The SWU Podcast that the film is not behind schedule at all given the speed at which movies are made these days (even effects heavy blockbusters like The Avengers and Star Trek: Into Darkness), a December is seemingly more and more a possibility (or at least a back up plans if there are too many unforeseen issues during production).  I wouldn't expect a specific release date to be announced until San Diego Comic Con 2014 at the earliest.

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